Fingerboarder Magazine announcement0

January 31, 2013 by Stegen | 10:58 am

Being a little old-school style collectors we have a love for books, printed magazines, and vinyl records, so after the first testing issue in 2009 we decided to continue with the printed magazine and so far 4 issues were released.
The feedback was an overwhelming experience – just like the time & labor and printing costs for a magazine in two language versions!

Channels of distribution were one of the huge challenges making it hard to reach fingerboarders everywhere, no matter how much they wanted to get the magazines and to be honest kids nowadays have a different media-comprehension compared to old-school collectors like us. There is not much space left for printed media in a digital world.
Everyone liked the magazines but rates for shipping overseas automatically sealed some fingerboarders of from getting to see the magazine.

We finished issue 4 and in long meetings decided to put aside our „old-school-nostalgia“ and focus on our primary idea with the magazine.

All we wanted was to reach as many fingerboarders with multifaceted and interesting fingerboard culture.

With other words we will concentrate more on the online version of Fingerboarder Magazine from now on.
It is NOT a news-site!! Others already run fabulous news-sites! We will offer articles, interviews, reportages, in depth-features, checkouts, background information and a lot more.
This way more fingerboarders will be able to read the magazine content and compared to the printed magazine it will be for FREE!

However we are not entirely through with the printed version. We have plans for a few smaller special issues from time to time handed out for free at events and on other occasions.

We are looking forward to these new challenges, a new lap begins and we can`t wait getting to know fingerboarding from yet another perspective – our basic idea with the magazine has not changed a bit! Fingerboarder Magazine is alive – perhaps even more than ever before!

Today we are celebrating the “relaunch” of the existing magazine website with numerous articles from the printed magazines, with a special GRIPSKIN crew check-out, and with new comic art!

We have tons of articles ready and you will be surprised what you will find online in the future!!


And now go to and check the new site. Good luck with the magazine, homies!

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