Joycult – Latest News

November 12, 2016 by MartinB. | 6:47 am


11/18/16 Shredders… WHAT IS UP?! I apologize for my absence as of late. There is SO much information to relay to all of you fine people and we have been busy as !*&% getting prepared for The Downtown Showdown II !! TO EVERYONE PLANNING ON ATTENDING. Put your speed shades ON and prepare yourselves for one glorious day in the Canadian fingerboard revoloution! We get to take over a friggin’ MALL with our little shred sleds and enjoy a real sense of community for day! Food, Drinks, Contest Entry, and your chance at winning tons of awesome raffle prizes! Please refer to earlier flyer for event info, address etc. But come out for a sincerely rad fucking day… SO, while I have you here, I will explain this photo and I would also like to be a bit real with you guys for a second. Fingerboarders (and I suppose skateboarders in general) are one hell of a group of individuals. Everyone in THIS community in particular though is so loving and supportive of one another. It truly is amazing to see. There are some serious jerks in the world today, I think if the whole world was as supportive as us. It would be a pretty fucking happy place 😊 The release next Friday, in our opinion, has some of the best work we have ever put into our wheels. Since even before the beginning, the aim has always been to improve, innovate, and hone the skills of this weird craft and on 11/18/16 I am really happy that we can share it with you ;the supporters, and freinds who enable us to continue creating❤️ THIS, is just the tip of the iceberg. Stay tuned as the updates come rolling in over the next week leading up to Friday! THANK YOU ALL, much love to everyone of you.

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