Beastpants – Rabid Shape

November 16, 2017 by MartinB. | 5:37 am

Bildschirmfoto 2017-11-16 um 04.35.28

Here’s my Rabid- my 4th and final version in fact. I’ve been secretly working on perfecting this shape for a long time now. Months of testing and feedback from the homies and team riders. I’m so excited to finally be able to release this to you guys. It’s been hard going to events, secretly shredding this thing and not sharing the joy. Ha! So excited that the Rabid as well as Feral and Domesticated decks will be dropping for Stock15. If you love Feral but have been craving something with slightly higher kicks, concave, and shorter wheelbase then you’ll absolutely go bananas for Rabid!

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