FBTV Interview – Dario Marchini3

November 4, 2010 by MartinB. | 7:13 am

Hello Dario! Tell us about who you are, where you from and whats your daily business.

Hi Martin! My name’s Dario Marchini, I’m 30 yeahhhhrs old and I’m an italian pizza mafioso tortellino guy. I work fuuul time in a chemical lab as a researcher, Your Bayer give us money all the time and you can thanx us for killing mosquitoes. LOL.

How do you get in touch with fingerboarding?

I found a destroyed techdeck in 2006, then I searched “tech deck” on youtube in a “porn search break” during night as usual, I found some MKS video the I was “damn I wanna do that!!” I stopped seriously skateboarding in 2003, I had too breakage before , but the “skateboarding thing” was inside me, blame it.

Whats your current setup?

Actually I’m using a Evolve David Auster regular, with BRR trucks and Winkler Prototypes wheels. I have tons of wooden decks and I like to switch often, I like to setup decks and trucks and wheels everytime. But this setup is my definitely style!

What is your favorite trick?

Kickflip for sure, for life..Kickflippin controling everything,big gaps, parks, rails, also my cats Lately I really like nollie big flip, I just learned those!

Do you have any favorite rider or a video that influenced you?

Well,this will be a long answer. My inspiration comes from the riders most influenced me when I started fingerboarding in 2006. I used to watch all the day Phils Savage and all the FockVM saga guys, MKS, my man Jader and his unique style, Ju Radiu videos, Martin Illsley, the DOK guys,Gary Chin, Alex McMillan, Tom McInally, Ian Andrew,Tim Hurley, Will Rian, Chris Daniels FOREVER sugoi man, oishiiiiii film forever Kurisu San!!!!!. One devastating part I watch to pump me fingerskating is Men’s night out Taylor Lucas part, my fingerboarding drift for this. Taylor Lucas and Guilame Ouellet ARE my fingeboarding inspirations, well, high kicks or medium whatever, but fat stuff. Lately I shoot out Tom Hansen, Jay, Schneider, Daniele Comuzzi, ClementUK…. If you want to watch my fav video part, I can say PHILS SAVAGE “Mistic Handbook of death” on my channel !http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM4bCmmdOI4

Which fingerboard experience you liked the most (contest/jam/session)?

Mmmm probably the first time I met Paolo and the other guys…I was so happy to fingerboard with someone and not only with my cat and my desk :D Fingaspektakel 3 was a lovely moment too :)

And finally do you want to thank someone?

LOVE YOU FINGERSKATERS ALLOVA DA WORLD!!!!! Jader Muller for the amazing EVOLVE decks man, you are the GOSHTOSO one! OBRIGADO and PARABENS!!! Wanna shoot out Daniele Comuzzi for the support and for being my first fingerboard friend in Italy ahahaahhahah, blame you for the forum man!!! Paolo Melillo my man from AXE RAMPS and for all the stuff and the growing passion forever, Marco and Pietro for La Cosca and the infinite fingerboard passion during this years, all the italian fingerskate freaks, Brusa and BJ, Andre Coral and all the Lowpro Family thanx thanx thanx! My USA\CANADA friend I met online and in real life, Mike, Jay,Chris, Taylor, Guillame, Chris Daniels ganbatte neeee, Gary, Alex film moooore pleese, Aaron Kuppin yeah I thank ya,!All the nice people I met at the jams traveling in Europe, Emil luv ya you are the best and thanx for all!!! Schmidi, Pent KITZMULLA, Diego Strozik, Jeldo, Katha ♥, Martin Ehrenberger, FLO, Denise I luv ya!!!!OLLI thanx for pump me up and for the best s.k.a.t.e. contests in my life, Martin Winkler and the style style style, FLO and Wunsiedel, Philippe and Ricardo,YW and OW mucho goshtoso, apia booooca!!!! Felix,Manu, the Flaked crew, Bastian, Flaki,Tim, and the blonde guy with the cc card skills you know who you are!!! Probably I lost some names, but I thank you whatever! VIVA LA FINGERBOARD!

W la FINGERBOARD TV, Thanx Mr Beckmann! I can drink beer more than ya PERIOD!

Haha! THX Dario!

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