FBTV Interview – Marc Schmidt1

December 10, 2010 by MartinB. | 7:51 am

Hello (Name)! Tell us about who you are, where you from and whats your daily business.

Hi, my Name is Marc Schmidt-Gehrmann and I`m 21 years old. I live in Dresden since last year, but I grew up in Schwedt, some may know it from “Vice” *laughing*. I work as an administrate specialist and I`m the “SH!T HESSENS” Dad.

How do you get in touch with fingerboarding?

Back in 2000 my mom brought me the “weird boards” with ramps and everything from a shopingmall. That was my first fingerboardcontact. I really got going in 2001, when I saw a show on TV about the YOU and thats where I discovered Blackriver. After that I went direktly to the Titus in Berlin and bought my first Tech Deck (THPS 3 Edition). Ever since the shit grows daily ;D

Whats your current setup?

I casually ride the Piratenholz with BRTrucks, WWZ BRR Edition’s, FBS xtrasmooth and FBS o-ringz hard.

What is your favorite trick?

Actually all the imposible things, Hose 39, sw Kickflips and sw Varialflips.

Do you have any favorite rider or a video that influenced you?

Of corse, for example definitly Marc Gork, Esche, Kuny and Stolly.

Which fingerboard experience you liked the most (contest/jam/session)?

Defenetly the Big Mini Contest in Emmendingen. I mean, thats where Katha, Burgo and me founded SHH. Kuny almost bought alcoholfree beer and the kids couldn`t handel that much hardcore Fingerboard-atmosphere. That totally rocked! But FF12 of corse was also very awesome. Think about it, so many fingerboarders in one place? Unbeliveable!

And finally do you want to thank someone?

I especially thank Katha, Peter Petrum, Josh the old pirate, Nico G, Esche and Gork. Of corse I send greetings and thanks to Hartl, a good friend of me PIPO the dizzy honk, TCC and to all 100% fingerboarders out there!

THX Marc!

Now go and check out the SHH blog: Click! and his Youtube channel: Click!

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