Redemption Bamboo0

August 12, 2011 by MartinB. | 6:45 am

Wow! What a busy summer! Between painting my house, working almost full time at my other job, and other home/garage improvement tasks, I’ve been super busy. But I still had a little time to pick up some projects that are pretty sick!

First of all, being the DIY kinda guy that I am, got me into fingerboarding, which got me into woodworking and so on. I’ve always been into playing musical instruments. Having all the necessary tools from fingerboarding I thought why not. So here are a Les Paul style body guitar and a Stingray style body bass guitar and Neck that I’m working on. Man I wish I would have got a pic of the full neck. 5 ply lamination just like a fingerboard. mrgreen

Now on to fingerboarding. 7 ply MMC Bamboo/Maple decks are going into production soon! I’ve had the Bamboo for some time now, heck 8-9 months? Time to use it.

The lamination goes as this:
2 thin Bamboo plys
Maple horizontal, Maple Verticle, Maple horizontal
2 thin Bamboo plys

I’m hoping to get a batch made up to take to the Canadian Meetup and have them available on the site when I get back.

Thanks for taking the time to look and enjoy the rest of your summer! Peace, Jordan

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