Ride To Glory – Official Statement2

October 8, 2011 by MartinB. | 12:22 pm

Hi everybody,

I’m David, the main organizer of Ride to Glory. First of all, I know that the second edition of this contest is a real shame, and I’m the first responsible of that. We have no excuse to be so slow judging the videos, so this is not a excuse to defend ourselves, it’s only a explanation for you to understand us, at least a bit.

The first edition of Ride to Glory was really successful, mainly because of the excitement and the passion I felt about fingerboarding, as the rest of moderators. I had to pay above 300 € of shipping costs and we spent LOTS of hours judging videos, but it was worth for me because I really enjoyed it.

Nevertheless, when I organized the second edition I wasn’t so exited with fingerboarding, but I did it because I wanted it to be a yearly contest. We received thousands of videos, it even took to me several weeks making a list with all the entries to judge (you have to realise that I have my own life too, with studies, friends, girlfriend… so I only can spend some time with fingerboarding everyday).

The Vert category is ready, but we’d like to announce both results together. Now we’re judging the Street videos, but they are A LOT. I know that moderators (judges) could be faster than they are, but I can’t press them, they aren’t receiving anything for doing it, it’s only because they want to.

All the prizes (except BRR) are in my house in Spain, and of course they will be delivered, don’t hesitate! The problem is that this year I’m studying in Gothenburg (Sweden), so even if the videos are judged and we publish the results, I won’t be able to send the prizes until Christmas.

In summary, we know that this contest was really bad organized, and if we took responsability about something now we have to deal with it and complete the event. But please, understand us, this wasn’t made with malice, RtG was created for you (and us) to enjoy! And of course we are not scammers, all the prizes will be delivered, and if it’s not possible because of some reason, they will be returned to the companies.

We are really sorry, please don’t blame Spanish scene about this. The only guilty is me.

Regards and sorry for my English,


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